The Best Ray project was funded by the European Union and the Municipality of Milan and was Implemented by Istituto Oikos in partnership with Oikos East Africa, Meru District Council, University of Insubria, Corridoio Zero, Terre Solidali Equanet s.r.l., la 220 Azzurra, WODSTA. The project run between 2008 and 2011.
The project aimed at improving the quality of life of the people of Oldonyosambu and Ngarenanyuki Wards through an integrated system that gave access to renewable energy services both for homes and public institutions and that created business opportunities.
The project strengthened the Meru District Council knowledge in planning and managing capacities in the energy sector; established two Community Energy Resource Centres (CERCs) where rural population can access energy services and learn about them; applied Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) to provide social public structures (schools, health centres, etc.) with electricity, hot water, Internet and media access; provided training, equipment, methodology, technology and institutional assistance to start small businesses in the energy sector such as production and sale of improved stoves, food drying, Jatropha cultivation and utilisation.