Oikos East Africa is partner of the organisation Iles de Paix, one of the implementing actors of the five year MAISHA BORA program, funded by the Belgian Fund for Food Security (BFFS).
The specific objective of the project is the higher and more secured income used for nutrition and improved local availability of food for 9,000 households in 15 villages in Simanjiro and Longido districts and in particular for 40% of impoverished households, women and youth; Oikos East Africa will be responsible for Simanjiro villages only.
The project component implemented by Oikos East Africa promotes sustainable access to water resources in Simanjiro District. Simanjiro is both a critical area for wildlife dispersal and one of the most sought after grazing grounds in Northern Tanzania.
Most villages, including the 15 villages targeted by the activity, generally have only one perennial water point accessible throughout the year. To reach the water point, herders and women have to walk very long distances. It is not unusual that these distances exceed 20 km. Due to the lack of distribution of the perennial water points in the area livestock tends to encroach the pastures surrounding the few water points, causing overgrazing, environmental degradation and increasing the risk of conflict. On the other hand, women walk for several hours to access water.
Main Results:
Targeted villages have livestock water resources development plans (identification of their resources and local projects prioritization);
Existing livestock water infrastructures in targeted villages are strengthened and extended (when possible);
New livestock water infrastructures in targeted districts are available;
Local capacities of management and maintenance of livestock water infrastructures are strengthened.