In the Arusha Region, in Northern Tanzania, more than 100 Secondary Schools (SecSc) have no access to the electricity service. They produce energy, with high costs and high environmental impact, through diesel generators allowing them to use electricity just for few hours and not during school activities therefore increasing the gap between rural and urban schools. The main problem is not the schools being able to pay for the service but the lack of an entity taking care of the maintenance of the systems.
The project, funded by Energy and Environment Partnership Fund and PolishAid, wants to open an Utility to provide off-grid electricity services to SecSc and medium-size customers (1-10kW) through the installation of photovoltaic systems (PV) in the Arusha Region. In this pilot phase, which lasts 2 years, it will target 20 secondary schools benefitting directly 15.000 students, 500 teachers and having a measurable social impact on over 60.000 rural population.
The innovative project design allows it to be self-sustainable and to provide benefit in the long term to a wider and wider number of people. It will improve educational standards in rural schools reducing the between rural and urban communities. The positive impact on education will improve gender equality, health, HIV prevention and environmental protection through educational tools available for schools with TV and electricity access. The possibility for rural school to install computers and start computer classes will allow students to participate to national computer examination and improving their likelihood of employment. It will provide means for food conservation, reducing costs, resulting in a better diet for young generations and allow use of washing machines improving hygiene and reducing water waste.