Green Energy for Safe and Sustainable Water Supply for Rural Communities
Sustainable Actions for Edible Gardens – phase II
Unganisha – Master plan and model for a large-scale landscape program for sustainable development and nature conservation
Partnering for a biodiverse, prosperous and resilient Tarangire Ecosystem landscape
Rangeland Guardians: women led initiatives for rangelands restoration
Mountain farmers & savannah pastoralists: Conserving sustainable livelihoods in East Africa (EcoBoma II)
Closed projects
Solar Fund and Utility for Tanzanian Secondary Schools
Cultivating Future at School
Maasai Women Art
TERRA: Integrated actions to increase resilience to Climate Change of pastoral communities
Mkuru Training Camp
Wildlife protection and antipoaching
Investing in Maasai women
BEST RAY Bringing Energy Service in Tanzania Rural Area
MAISHA BORA – Improving the access to water resources
Water Changes Lives
ECO-BOMA : a climate-resilient model for Maasai steppe pastoralists
Local micro-business empowerment
Fostering local community participation in rural water supply management in Meru District, Tanzania
Sustainable farming practices for food security in Maasai steppes
CONNEKT – Connecting Neighbouring Ecosystems in Kenya and Tanzania
Improved water accessibility in Ngarenanyuki Ward
Safe Food Save Lives
S.A.F.E. Gardens
PAIR : Promoting Accountability to Increase community Resilience
Natural leather: a tool to foster Maasai women empowerment
Clean energy for safe water and sustainability of rural water schemes
Endangered Ecosystems Northern Tanzania
ECO-BOMA : a climate-resilient model for Maasai steppe pastoralists
Oikos East Africa was the implementing partner of Istituto Oikos, during the 4-year life of the ECOBOMA project.
ECOBOMA, a Climate Resilient Model for Maasai Steppe Pastoralists was one of five projects, which fell under the European Union funded Global Climate Change Alliance. The project encompassed the EU eco-village approach, and made strides to increase and diversify incomes, and strengthen resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change.
The targeted 2000 households are located in Arumeru District and depend on the ecosystem for their livelihoods, which are increasingly becoming threatened due to climate change. The project also contributed to Tanzania’s poverty reduction strategy and improving the livelihoods of communities. ECOBOMA was aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13) – CLIMATE ACTION
ECOBOMA targeted four main issues:
• Intense grazing and a decrease in suitable pastures
• Declining water points for humans and livestock
• Increased population within pastoral societies
• Poor information on the impact of climate change
Four earth dams were rehabilitated and their volume increased by 47,000 m3 and local communities were trained on improved water management.
Community-driven data collection to measure rangeland’s health and promote good rangeland management, production of ecological vulnerability maps for communities
Installation of three meteorological stations for installation in the project area
Establishment of around 200 ha of community forests
Training of 30 Village Game Scouts who patrol over 23,000 Ha, coordinated by the village government and in partnership with the District Game Officers.
40,000 indigenous trees (e.g. Commiphora sp. and Euphorbia tirucalli) planted to fence and protect 110 bomas and four dams from wind, animal intrusion, and soil erosion
Construction of 20 biogas digesters to pro- duce cooking gas, reducing dramatically thedomestic use of firewood, a time consuming and environmentally damaging practice
119 households have daylight thanks to ‘litre of light’ solar bottles installe
Skills development and creation of artisanal cooperatives of women and young men to tan leather (15 people) and cure/dry meat (168 people). In two years, the leather group sold leather products with a turnover of €11,000.00
Introduction and adoption of smart agriculture techniques for 60 household
Set up of two land use planning units (36 officers in total) in Arusha and Meru DC
Facilitation of the incorporation of climate change adaptation interventions in districts’ planning and budget
Involvement and capacitation of 150 Local Government Authorities at all level
Facilitation of five comprehensive village by- law packages for rangeland management and registration of two new Community Owned Water and Sanitation Organisations
25 exchange visits, technical workshops and dissemination events organised involving Local Government Authorities, universities, journalists, students, teachers and the gen- eral public for a total of more than 135,000 individuals exposed to climate change knowledge
Capacity building for 13 livestock service providers (para veterinarians)
Scientific networks established with international and national experts to share the Eco-boma approach to rangeland’s conservation.
4,600 pupils increased their knowledge on climate change and risk management
85 knowledge products designed ensuring high visibility to GCCA Tanzania stakeholders